Several years ago, I attended a class taught by and well-known homemaking guru, Daryl Hoole. One of her many bits of advice was to do "Something that Stays Done" every day. I have followed this advice off and on, but want to make it a habit in 2011!

P.S. To see the blog that inspired me to get started and to see more great ideas of things to get done, check out Thanks, Becky!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

This one is for Angie!

I got up this morning and checked my email
and what to my wondering eyes should appear?
A super sweet comment from Angie!
I don't get many comments on this blog so they mean so much to me 
that I type them up and frame them for my wall.
I don't really, but sometimes I feel like it.
Like today.
She said,
"I loooooove your blog, it's one of the sites I check out every day. Thanks for the inspiration!! 
All the best, Angie (in Den Haag, the Netherlands :-))"
Did you see that...the Netherlands!!
How cool is that?

So I have Angie to thank for today's something because I promptly got up and did something. 
It was the pantry.
 As you can see, I got a bit of 'help' from the 3-year-old girl.
 There was a bottle of vegetable oil that had ended up on its side
which wouldn't be a problem except that the lid wasn't tight.
That wasn't fun to clean up, but I am glad that I found it.
(The 10-year-old just got home from school and after going to the pantry for a snack,
he said, "Good job, Mom!")

This something should stay done for six months.
My last pantry cleaning posts were in January and July.

Thanks Angie, for motivating me today.
Okay, your turn Malaysia!


  1. Really?! Not a lot of comments?! I LOVE your blog! I'm a mom of three boys and I check your blog frequently and find your efforts inspiring.

    Just saying.
    Hoku (from Hawaii)

  2. Haha, thank you, thank you! Oh, and I remember Sister Hoole from when her husband was the mission president here :). Have a nice day! Angie
