Several years ago, I attended a class taught by and well-known homemaking guru, Daryl Hoole. One of her many bits of advice was to do "Something that Stays Done" every day. I have followed this advice off and on, but want to make it a habit in 2011!

P.S. To see the blog that inspired me to get started and to see more great ideas of things to get done, check out Thanks, Becky!

Monday, February 6, 2012


After opening one of my 10-year-old 72-hour kits,
I decided that it was time for new ones.
Besides that, 10 years ago, there were only five of us.
This time I had to make eight.
Here's what I bought at WalMart.
All of this plus granola bars only cost me $40!
Not bad for eight people for three days.

At the end of the month, I'll be packaging them in #10 cans and sealing them
with oxygen packets so they'll last another 10 years.
(I didn't put beef jerky, raisins, or gum in this time.  They didn't fair too well on the last go around!)

1 comment:

  1. That's great! It's easy to forget about replacing those things! In the past I've given my close family 72-kits as wedding gifts and it's always been highly appreciated. I keep a list of things to include and tips on where to find the them cheapest (most everything is cheapest at Walmart). I put it all in a plastic bin, including the list as well as additional items the new couple would probably want to ADD (important papers, cash, jackets, etc) as well as some fancier things to make the 72-hours more comfortable.
