Several years ago, I attended a class taught by and well-known homemaking guru, Daryl Hoole. One of her many bits of advice was to do "Something that Stays Done" every day. I have followed this advice off and on, but want to make it a habit in 2011!

P.S. To see the blog that inspired me to get started and to see more great ideas of things to get done, check out Thanks, Becky!

Monday, January 9, 2012

10-year-old 72-hour Kit

I went to a Stake Provident Living meeting last night.
Here is the post of today's something
that I actually did last night.


10-year-old 72-hour Kit

We had a Provident Living planning meeting tonight.
My assignment was to open my 
10-year-old 72-hour kit in a #10 can!
I made it at a Homemaking meeting TEN years ago.
I had wondered how the items survived, but until tonight was too scared to look.

Here's what happened...

The can was dusty, but still in perfect condition.
Under the lid was a folded menu sheet and a can opener.
 Doesn't look too bad...
 In fact, it only took a minute for the kids to gather 'round
and start asking if they could have some!
We tried out the hot chocolate, oatmeal, and Cup-A-Soup.
 The 13-year-old asked if he could use his Jet Boil to heat the water for us.
 Looks yummy.
 Here are the brave souls who helped me with the taste testing!
 Oatmeal with raisins.
 The Jolly-Ranchers were good and tasted "just like Jolly-Ranchers"
according to the 13-year-old.
Several minutes later he asked if the inside was supposed to be a little soft.
I guess the texture was different, but not different enough for him to stop eating it.
The gum was a huge surprise.
I thought it would be rock-solid,
but look at it here!
The kit also included 3 paper cups, 3 spoons, an oxygen packet, and a book of matches.
"Juice" was on the menu a few times so I guess it was in addition to the kit.
You could always include a powdered drink mix in the can.

Here's the verdict...

Hot Chocolate..."Great!"
Cup-A-Soup..."Good, but maybe a little minty."
Oatmeal Packets..."Okay."  Also a little minty.
Raisins...Dried out and kind of like eating sugar.  (Crystalized.)
Fruit Snacks...Good.  A little hard and very chewy.
Peanuts..."Taste just like peanuts."  I ate a few and they tasted just fine.
Beef Jerky...Very hard, but dissolved quickly in your mouth.  Smelled great.  Tasted okay.
Jolly-Ranchers...A little sticky on the outside and soft in the middle, but tasted great.
Granola Bar...this was the only negative reaction.  I think it may have been because of the 
chocolate covering.The only thing we didn't touch was the crackers because they were sandwich crackers with
peanut butter and cheese between them.  They probably would be fine, but we were full by then!

Overall, I was surprised and pleased with the results.
If I had to do it again, I would not include the gum in the can.  
It left a minty taste on most of the items, but they have been together for ten years. 
(The gum and matches were in a separate baggie.)

So, to sum it up...
my 13-year-old said that he would eat most of the food today
and all of it if he was really hungry,
even the Granola bar!

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